
‘Unity by consent’ is partitionist fudge

In a statement on March 7, 2024 a spokesperson for Cumann Tomás Ó hAirt, Sinn Féin Poblachtach, Ard Mhacha Thuaidh, said the talk about unity by consent from the Provisionals is just partitionist fudge and these former Republicans are constitutional nationalists in the footsteps of John Redmond.

It is becoming apparent to many in wider nationalist Ireland that the primary aim of present British strategy is to secure the eradication of traditional Irish Republicanism.

The long-term British policy has seduced many, including [Provisional] Sinn Féin (PSF), into believing that devolved government based on a sectarian carve-up and remaining under British rule is ample reward for the sacrifices made by our forefathers.

The Provisionals claim to be republican socialists is shown for what it is, as they become ever more comfortable administering British rule in Ireland. The typical PSF response is that it is better to be inside Stormont helping to solve problems than outside shouting in.

Britain’s First Minister for the Six Occupied Counties Michelle O’Neill in a recent poll was “the most popular party leader in Ireland”. She and her cohorts have become experts appearing as “states people”, facilitating peace on the terms of global hegemony – the USA and their partners Britain. In the meantime, she stands for the British national anthem and attends the graduation of the RUC/PSNI.

Yet these people still go to the graves and memorials to our patriot dead and pay lip service to those Republican Volunteers who gave their lives for the ending of the British presence in Ireland, not for a resurrected Stormont.

We are still under British rule and joint-equal leadership of a glorified county council, with no discernible power and the “strategy” is to beg the British for more money to pay for services in an economy ravaged by British austerity.

Sinn Fein Poblachtach believes that the only feasible solution for the people of Ireland is bringing the Republic of 1916 to realisation. In doing this we set about the organisation of everything the Proclamation outlines, “religious and civil liberty, equal rights and equal opportunities to all its citizens, and declares its resolve to pursue the happiness and prosperity of the whole nation and of all its parts, cherishing all of the children of the nation equally, and oblivious of the differences carefully fostered by an alien Government”.

Sinn Féin Poblachtach’s policy documents, Éire Nua and Saol Nua, provide the true way forward for all the people of Ireland.

Cumann Tomás Ó hAirt,
Ard Mhacha Thuaidh


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