In a statement on December 10, 2024, a spokesperson for Comhairle Uladh (Ulster Executive), Sinn Féin Poblachtach said: “There is an office in central Belfast, engaged in highly secretive work for a company unknown to almost everyone in the Occupied Six Counties.
“Suspicion was raised by a software engineer who walked in off the street to the Belfast Telegraph’s offices, with what’s described as an ‘unusual story’. As the story started to unfold, it became clear that there was much more to uncover. The man in question declared that he was at ‘two job interviews’ at Nisos’s Urban HQ and ‘was deeply uneasy with what 1he thought it wanted him to do’.
“The private limited company called Nisos engages in paid work for US intelligence agencies and private companies, and was founded by two former CIA operatives.
“It is nothing new for big American tech companies like Liberty IT, iakoe and Ocula Technologies to have set up in Belfast. There is also no doubt the cyber security sector around Queen’s University’s Centre for Secure Information Technologies is flourishing.
“Throughout his investigation into Nisos what seemed to became clear was that they had used British taxpayers’ monies to enable them to put up shop in the Occupied Six Counties. And, it was made possible by the Stormont administration, its quango and investment agency (Invest NI).
“The Belfast Telegraph asked Provisional Sinn Féin Economy Minister Conor Murphy, who oversees Invest NI, whether he had any concerns about the company. He didn’t answer, but said he had no role in approving the funding.
“According to Sam McBride, who eventually got enough material to run a story in the Belfast Telegraph, from the outset Invest NI were a closed shop. But they did release a few hundred heavily-censored pages under a Freedom of Information (FOI) request. After which, came more material and some of it was revealing.
“The shroud of secrecy was being lifted by January 2021 when during a meeting with the head of Invest NI’s US division and Nisos boss (an ex-CIA operative) he put forward a question: ‘Would you have anyone you could recommend that we connect with to learn about the career decisions people make when departing MI5 in Palace Barracks?’
“Sinn Féin Poblachtach will continue to shine a light on these imperialist warmongers. They are spooks-for-hire and some sort of private CIA. This type of an American company is using the Occupied Six Counties as a digital gateway. They are seeking to provide security solutions to European intelligence agencies and taking grant money as an enabler. Altogether, this quango, Invest NI, signs it off under the guise of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).”
Comhairle Uladh (Ulster Executive),
Sinn Féin Poblachtach
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