
Oppression breeds Resistance

In a statement on December 23 2024, a spokesperson for Comhairle Uladh (Ulster Executive), Sinn Féin Poblachtach said: ‘Where there is the conditions that bring about oppression—it will surely breed resistance. And where violence and the threat of violence becomes common place; and that, where these conditions involve young people. It becomes a ‘nursery of future conflict’.

“If there ever was such a thing as an ordinary decent policeman’ in a police car getting ‘the two finger sign’ from nationalist youths they would have driven on and ignored it.

“Long standing research suggests that simply being young places people in the Occupied Six Counties in an antagonistic relationship with the security forces.

“Today the RUC/PSNI in a similar situation would haul those involved into the police station and fingerprint them. Thus spreading bad feeling against them further within the Catholic Nationalist community.

“Even worse still—swinging their boot into the head of a child or another person lying prone and can be heard repeatedly saying I can’t breathe. A call sign for I am in danger. This most recent boot-boy-thuggery has been caught on camera and played throughout most media outlets in the Occupied Six Counties.

“Another incident in the never ending whirlwind of RUC/PSNI shame. This incident has shown, what could have easily been a death of a child. The family solicitor Mr. Gavin Booth of Phoenix law, has gone public and made it very clear. The actions of this police officer is reprehensible and parents just want to know, that their children are safe and happy when they go out in society.

“Sinn Féin Poblachtach has made it vehemently clear. These RUC/PSNI sectarian thugs are disguised as responsible others—but in fact they are paid mercenaries of the British state and claim to uphold the responsibility for law enforcement and crime prevention.

“There is no room for excuses; especially, from the propagandists in the RUC/PSNI. They would want to tell you that they are a new force. For instance, they use language like, ‘bad apples in every barrel’— ‘we will root them out’.

“They are on public record as a shameful sectarian force. They care only about reaching a key political target of a ‘representative’ RUC/PSNI from all sections of society living in the Occupied Six Counties.

“Last week we witnessed an exercise in damage limitation. The RUC/PSNI headquarters had kept the fact; that there has been 20 RUC/PSNI British mercenaries injured in 24 hours as mainstream news headline.

“This was to take away media attention from the fact that RUC/PSNI thugs have behaved like savages.

“There is no doubt that oppression breeds resistance. If the cap fits, wear it!

Comhairle Uladh (Ulster Executive),
Sinn Féin Poblachtach


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