Gabriel Mackle refused access to Roe House
On November 9, 2017, Gabriel Mackle was arrested at his home, his licence revoked, and returned to Maghaberry Jail, Co Antrim two days later. Gabriel was released in August. He had committed no crime and to the best of his knowledge had not contravened the terms of his release; the probation services did not know of his re-arrest until November 13.
As a now interned Republican it was expected he would return to Roe House without undue delay. To this end Gabriel requested he be transferred to Roe House on November 13.
On November 29, Gabriel received a letter from the prison administration informing him that he will not be accepted into Roe House and if he was transferred there could be a threat to his safety.
If this is true this is a sad indictment of the treatment of this interned Republican. Gabriel’s family, friends and comrades are hopeful that this may well be the screws playing mind-games and that there is no threat; that Gabriel would be welcome to Roe House and it must be said messages of solidarity and support have been received from the families of others in Roe House.
We take this opportunity to call on prisoner representative bodies to come out publicly, calling for the admission of Gabriel onto Roe House as a CABHAIR supported POW, as is his right as a Republican POW and to denounce any alleged threats against him.
As Republicans we should all work towards the betterment of those imprisoned for their Republican activities. Whether Gabriel is accepted onto Roe House or not will not deter his comrades from opposing the internment of any Republican; or fighting against the extradition of Republicans for political acts and from highlighting the oppression of Republican POWs.
We will continue working towards the implementation of a conflict-free environment within Maghaberry, both nationally and internationally.
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