Republican Political Prisoners, Roe House, Maghaberry, wish to clarify the current position of the planned downgrade to our already unacceptable visiting conditions which we have highlighted recently.
On Thursday 16th October 2014, Republican Political Prisoners’ representatives met with the jail governors who informed us that there would be no changes made to our current visiting arrangements and the proposed downgrade would not be imposed.
When pressed about the need for a modern visiting facility with privacy at its core, the governors simply stated that, at present, nothing was to change to our visiting area and there would not be a refurbishment.
This is neither a victory nor a resolution. The current visiting arrangements remain unacceptable. We have made clear and unambiguous recommendations for visiting conditions in our ‘Conditions Document’, to which family life and privacy are central.
The visits issue will not be resolved until these recommendations are implemented and respect and fair treatment are afforded to us and our families.
Republican Political Prisoners
Roe House
Maghaberry Jail,
Co Antrim
23rd October 2014
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