
Bígí Linn / Join Sinn Féin Poblachtach


“We want recruits because we have undertaken a service which we believe to be of vitalPadraig Pearse (1879-1916) (3)importance to our country, and because that service needs whatever there is of manly stuff in Ireland in order to its effective rendering. We want recruits because we have a standard to rally them to.  It is not a new standard raised for the first time by the men of a new generation. It is an old standard which has been borne by many generations of Irish men, which has gone into many battles, which has looked down upon much glory and upon much sorrow; which has been a sign to be contradicted, but which shall yet shine as a star. There is no other standard in the world so august as the standard we bear; and it is the only standard which the men of Ireland may bear without abandoning their ancient allegiance. . .”

– Pádraig H. Pearse


Membership of Republican Sinn Féin is available to people resident in Ireland, England, Scotland,Wales, Cornwall and the Isle of Mann.  People from other countries can join as members of the Republican Sinn Féin International Relations Bureau.

Republican Sinn Féin is an active organisation.  Joining Republican Sinn Féin means that you are prepared to give a considerable portion of your time to the work of the organisation.


The objects of Republican Sinn Féin are:

6(a) The complete overthrow of British rule in Ireland, and the establishment of a Federal Democratic Socialist Republic based on the Proclamation of 1916.

(b) To bring the Proclamation of the Republic, Easter 1916, into effective operation and to maintain and consolidate the Government of the Republic, representative of the people of all Ireland, based on that Proclamation.

(c) To establish in the Republic a reign of social justice based on Irish Republican socialist principles in accordance with the Proclamation of the Republic of 1916 and the Democratic Programme of the First Dáil Éireann in 1919 and by a just distribution of the nation’s wealth and resources, and to institute a system of government suited to the particular needs of the people.

(d) To establish the Irish language as the primary means of communication in the Republic, to teach Irish history in such a way as will foster a pride in our cultural heritage and a sense of rights and responsibilities in our people as citizens of the Republic.


36(a) Through organising the Irish people into a united and disciplined movement for the restoration of the Republic and the achievement of the above ideals.

(b) Through assisting, as directed by the Ard Chomhairle, all organisations working for the same objectives.

(c) Through local members establishing themselves in their local community on local issues, thereby gaining the confidence of those involved in local affairs.


*    Full membership and Associate membership of Republican Sinn Féin is available in  Ireland, Scotland, England, Wales, Cornwall and the Isle of Mann.  Applicants must be 16 years old or over to apply.

*    Membership of Republican Sinn Féin is not available in the United States of America at this present time.

*     People applying elsewhere will be put directly in touch with the Republican Sinn Féin International Relations Bureau.  Alternatively contact:



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